Isaac Leclair
Isaac Leclair reckons he’s been around Rodeo his whole life and loves nothing more than rocking out before a major event.
Born and breed Western Australian, this lad grew up between Perth and Bindoon. It wasn’t until a few years ago, both uncles Allister and Laurence convinced him to give riding a crack, hopping on a steer at a prac day. From memory Isaac reckons he loved it from the very start and he’s been ridin’ ever since. It wasn’t until his other uncle Gerard helped him try Bareback for the first time and he was hooked.
It was through family that Isaac was truly encouraged and able to discover riding in Rodeo.
Isaac has labelled himself as a bit of a wild one, with his fave rodeo event right now being bull riding “because there’s no better feeling than hearing the timer go off after 8 seconds knowing all that effort to make a qualified ride was worth it”
When deciding between the 2 disciplines, Isaac loves how different riding bulls and broncs can be. While having the same goal, they both equally have fun challenges.
Following a strict training program helps Isaac stay in shape for events, its called Pro Rider 8. Also, a keen boxer, he loves a good hit out during the week, keepin’ himself in good nick is crucial to competing in these extreme events.

If he ever has a niggle or some kind of injury to nurse, Isaac always likes to remind himself that it could always be worse. Barely a week into the new year, Isaac copped one to the chops, breaking his jaw in 2 places, receiving 6 stitches and having 2 teeth pulled. You could say this sport is not for the faint hearted.
Early 2020 Isaac is now on the road to recovery and we reckon, secretly his best bud and sidekick ‘Wesley’ - the pup would make any downtime less painful. Wes makes him smile a lot…. Well, smile on the inside whilst nursing his injury.
His proudest moment to date in his career so far is hard to highlight just one; naming a few, including qualifying for the ABCRA National Finals Rodeo and making an 8 second ride at Mount Isa Rodeo.
A self described randomist. If Isaac found himself randomly in a time machine, he’d totally go back, way back to checkout the dinosaurs. How good would it be to see him ride a Velocirapture!? Just sayin’…

When not competing or workin’ flat out, he loves to hang out with his Wesley dog - going fishing, hiking, snorkelling, rock climbing camping, hunting n’ horse ridin’.
He loves everything Rodeo, and is pretty passionate about helping others out behind the chutes at events and enjoys watching other crew make a great ride.
Team Wrangler Western/Twisted X is stoked to have Isaac Leclair on the squad for 2020. “I love the support from the Wrangler Western and Twisted X and the feeling of being a part of such an awesome team and the amazing products they provide.”
Isaac’s preferred Wrangler Western gear is his 20X COMPETITION JEAN and his fave Twisted X style are the TOP HAND BOOTS.

He enjoys nothing more than getting’ gee’d up before a ride. Listening to a carefully curated rockin’ playlist on spotify – hand picked bangers to fully rev up before an event. At his next event no doubt he’ll ask if there is any Acca Dacca on the menu?
Checkout the RIDER GEE UP collaborative playlist created by the Wrangler Western, Twisted X TEAM RIDERS. It’s time to bung on the tunes and get bloody gee’d up for your next event. Also a top playlist to rack during training.
Checkout the ripper RODEO REV UP playlist created by the Wrangler Western & Twisted X crew at HQ. It’s time to get in the zone and get bloody rev’d up. A top playlist for anytime you need a pick (me) up.
Image credits:
Isaac on Dino, Produced at HQ
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