Q & A with Jock Bone Langdon
It’s always interesting to hear how our Team Wrangler/Twisted X Sponsored Riders became some of the best in their chosen sports and how it all began.
We caught up with Steer Wrestling champion Jock Bone Langdon here’s what he had to say, with some exciting events for the remainder of 2023.
Wrangler (WR): How did it all begin for Jock, tell us the story of how you got into Steer Wrestling & Team Roping?
Jock Bone Langdon (JBL): My mother got me into rodeo at a young age.
WR: How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
JBL: Outgoing, Competitive, Handy, Cowboy & Happy.
WR: Who have been your biggest influences?
JBL: That would be my family and my friends.

WR: Most memorable moment in Steer Wrestling?
JBL: Definitely the ABCRA 2022 National Finals Rodeo.
WR: Tell us a Fun Fact about you?
JBL: I’m terrified of spiders.
WR: What advice would you like to give the younger generations starting out in Steer Wrestling?
JBL: Never give up, failure and rejection are the first step to succeeding.
WR: What is your best fashion tip?
JBL: If you want to look the best, you need to wear the best, “Wrangler”.
WR: What’s coming up for the remainder of 2023?
JBL: Exciting times ahead, becoming a dad later this year, enjoy growing our family, and keep going down the road doing the sport I love.