Q & A with Ryan O'Callaghan
We are excited to have expanded our sponsored riders into New Zealand with Team Wrangler/Twisted X and would like to introduce Ryan O’Callaghan, our New Zealand sponsored rider! We sat down with the rising Team Roping and Rope & Tie competitor and here’s what he had to say.
Wrangler (WR): How did it all begin for Ryan, tell us the story of how you got into Team Roping & Rope & Tie?
Ryan O’Callaghan (RO): When I was about 10 years old, my Dad started calf roping at some of his friends places and I started learning to rope. I started going to rodeos not long after that.
WR: How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
RO: Dedicated, Passionate, Humble, Determined & Tall
WR: Who have been your biggest influences?
RO: My dad has always made sure I have had a horse to ride & helped me in the training pen a lot. He constantly encourages me to get better. Mike Sanderson and Patrick McCarthy (two top calf ropers from the South Island) have always helped me with my roping and even let me compete off their own horses.
WR: Most memorable moment in Team Roping or Rope & Tie?
RO: My first time competing in the finals at Taupo.
WR: Tell us a Fun Fact about you?
RO: I de-gloved my little finger while team roping when I was 15 years old.
WR: What advice would you like to give the younger generations starting out in Team Roping or Rope & Tie?
RO: The hard work in the practice pen will always pay off.
WR: What is your best fashion tip?
RO: Always iron your shirt.
WR: What’s coming up for the remainder of 2023?
RO: I am hoping to do some roping on our trip to Texas, otherwise October Labour weekend rodeos in the South Island.